All Township Ordinances are listed on E-Code. Below is a quick reference to the most common ordinances are listed below. You can use this quick reference below when using E-Code.
15-9 Tampering with Fire Department Equipment
15-10 Fire Lines and Hose Placement
15-12.A Hindering Fire Department Personnel
15-12.B Calling in False Fire Alarms
44-4.F Low Flying Aircraft Under 700 Feet
47-4.A Alarm Permit for Installation
47-4.B Alarm Registration Required
47-8.A Notification to Police Department of a False Alarm
47-8.A(1) Warning Issued for 2 False Alarms within a 12 month period
47-8.A(2) Summons Issued for 3 False Alarms within a 12 month period
47-8.C Faulty Alarm Repair Requirement within 72 Hours
49-11 Alcoholic Beverage Sale, Service or Delivery Restrictions
49-14 Alcohol Service to Intoxicated Persons
49-17 Alcoholic Beverage Violations and Penalties
49-18 Underage Possession or Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages on Private Property
49-21 Underage Possession or Consumption Private Property Exceptions
49-22 Alcoholic Beverage Restrictions of Township Property
54-8 Unfit Buildings
66-2 Curfew Violations Persons Under 18 years of age between 2301-0600
66-3 Curfew Violations Parents Duty
71-2.A Dog Licensing Required
71-2.B Dog Licensing Required New Dog
71-2.C Dog Licensing Required New Resident
71-4.A(1) Dog Running At Large
71-4.A(2) Dog Off Premises Must be Under Strict Control
71-4.A(3) Dog Causing Injury to Person or Property
71-4.A(4) Dog Causing Public Nuisance, Unsafe or Unhealthful Conditions
71-4.A(5) Dog Habitually Barking
71-4.B Removal of Dog Registration Tag Prohibited
71-4.C Removal of Dog of Pet Waste
85-1 Discharge of a Firearm During Hunting Season within 500 feet of a dwelling
93-2 Littering
93-3.C Improper Disposal of Waste into Storm Drains
93-4 Throwing Litter from a Motor Vehicle
93-11 Litter from a Commercial Vehicle
107-1 General Noise Ordinanace
107-2.A(7) Construction Noise
107-2.A(10) Landscaping Noise
109-3 Proper Display of House or Building Numbers
112-1 Nuisances or Disorderly Conduct
112-2 Lewd Conduct
112-3 Disorderly Premises
112-4 Solicitors
112-5 Gambling
112-7 Injury To Property
112-8 False Alarms
112-9 Interference with Official Personnel
112-10 Animals at Large
112-11 Abandoned or Junk Vehicles on anothers property
115-1.A Mischief on or to Township Property
115-1.D Hunting Prohibited on Township Property
115-1.Z Loiter on Township Property between sunset and sunrise
135-2 Trailer or Campers Parking Restrictions
140-2.A Abandoned Vehicles
140-2.B Unregistered Vehicles on Roadways
140-3 Unregistered Vehicles on Private Property longer than 7 days
143-4 Authorization for Closing Streets
143-8 Parking Prohibited during a State of Emergency
143-9 Parking Prohibited for Snow Removal
143-13 Overnight Parking Prohibited 0200-0600
143-30 Handicaped Parking on Township and School Properties
143-31 Handicaped Parking on Private Property Open to Public
143-32 Handicaped Parking on all other Private Properties
143-54 Construction, Maintainence and Utility Work in Roadways Restricted to 0900-1600
143-56 Traffic Directors Required
143-57 Police To Stop Work in Roadways
143-70 Brae Loch Parking Restrictions
143-79.A RVA Fields Parking Restrictions- must park in spaces
143-79.B RVA Fields Parking Restrictions- no stopping or standing
143-83 RVA Fields Speed Limit 15 mph
143-84 RVA Fields Tow-Away Zone
143-61.A JMF Parking Restrictions- must park in designated areas
143-62 JMF Handicaped Parking Restrictions